Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Shawn Brace is the editor of New England Pastor. After graduating from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary in December 2007, he nows pastors three churches and one company in Vermont and New Hampshire. He has written for such magazines as Adventist Review, Insight, Adventists Affirm, and Ministry magazine. He recently published his first book entitled, Waiting at the Altar, available from TEACH Services (to order it from, click here, or from, click here). When he's not writing, he enjoys photography, the outdoors, and spending time with his wife, Camille. To read his personal Blog, visit

Bill Brace is the assistant editor of New England Pastor. After moving from Eastern Canada to Massachusetts when he was a kid, Bill has spent his whole ministry in the Southern New England Conference, where he now pastors two churches. In addition to his pastoral duties, he also hosts the weekly radio show "Portraits of God," which can be heard on WEZE 590 AM in Boston on Sunday nights at 7:30. It is also syndicated on other radio stations throughout New England, as well as various parts of the United States.

Wanda Hopkins is the proofreading editor for New England Pastor. She is currently an associate professor of English at Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences in Orlando, Florida. Having grown up in Eastern Canada and New England, the territory remains very near and dear to her heart.


Clinton Baldwin, Ph.D., pastors the Lincoln, Rhode Island, district in the Southern New England Conference. He graduated with a Ph.D. in Religion from the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University in August of 2007. His dissertation is in the area of New Testament Textual Criticism. Among his research interests, Clinton has written several articles and one book on the subject of righteousness by faith. His book is entitled, Justification by Faith: More Than a Concept, a Person. In addition to his pastoral duties, he also tutors Greek for the Adult Education Program at Atlantic Union College.

Jo Ann Davidson, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Theology at the Andrews University Theological Seminary. The daughter of missionary parents, she is also a fourth generation Seventh-day Adventist. In addition to writing the book
Jonah: The Inside Story, she has also written articles for Adventist Review, Signs of the Times, Journal of The Adventist Theological Society and Perspective Digest. She and her husband, Richard, are proud of their son Jonathan, who is a Christian musician in Oregon, and their daughter, Rahel, and her husband Kirk. She finds great fulfillment in her many roles as wife, mother, daughter, sister, auntie, teacher, musician, student and Seventh-day Adventist Christian.

Richard M. Davidson, Ph.D., is J. N. Andrews Professor of Old Testament Interpretation at the Andrews University Theological Seminary. He is the author of
In the Footsteps of Joshua; A Love Song For for the Sabbath; and Flame of Yahweh: Sexuality in the Old Testament. He is married to Jo Ann Mazat Davidson who also teaches at the Theological Seminary. They have a daughter, Rahel, and a son, Jonathan. He also enjoys backpacking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and tennis.

Herbert E. Douglass, Th.D., is a theologian and retired college administrator. Born in Massachusetts, he was president of Atlantic Union College as well as an associate editor for the Adventist Review. A prolific writer, he has authored over 22 books, including God At Risk; Why Jesus Waits; and Messenger of the Lord: the prophetic ministry of Ellen G. White. He currently resides in Lincoln, California.

Jerry Finneman serves as a chaplain for the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He lives in Marshall, Michigan.

Barry Kimbrough is pastor of the Taunton and Foxboro Seventh-day Adventist Churches in southeast Massachusetts. His five-minute daily radio program, “Morning Light,” has aired on WPEP and WVBF for over two years. You may reach him at

Matt Kohls, who grew up in Maine, teaches 7th and 8th grade in Lansing, Michigan and is passionate about helping students develop a love relationship with Jesus. He is married to his best friend, Leah, and enjoys camping, kayaking, and traveling with her in his free time. Matt considers himself a missionary to Michigan.

Kristin McGuire writes from Topsham, Maine. She lives there with her husband, Norman, and their four children, Tim, Becky, Shawn, and Gavin. Before becoming active in the local church in music ministry and Sabbath School work, she served in full-time restaurant evangelism for four years and Bible work for three years after that. In 1984 she both graduated from Purdue University with a BS in General Management/Marketing and was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She still enjoys tennis as well as cooking, walking, reading and writing.

John McVay, Ph.D., is president of Walla Walla University (formerly known as Walla Walla College). Prior to taking his appointment at Walla Walla, he was Professor of New Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, and later served as Dean for six years. Born in Oregon, McVay pastored in the Iowa and Georgia-Cumberland Conferences, and received his Ph.D. in New Testament from England’s University of Sheffield. He is married to Pam, and together they have two children, Marshall and Macy.

Mike Ortel is president of the Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He and his wife, Lynn, live in Falmouth, Maine. Among other interests, the Ortels have a burden for marriage and family enrichment, and have led numerous retreats on this subject.

Paul E. Penno is an ordained Seventh-day Adventist pastor in the Northern California Conference currently serving the Hayward Seventh-day Adventist Church. He resides with his wife and two daughters in Vallejo, California.

Frank Tochterman is President of the Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. A graduate of Columbia Union College ( B.A.) and Andrews University (M.Div. and D.Min. degrees), he has pastored in Ohio, Massachusetts, Nebraska, and Michigan, as well as served on the administrative level in Texas, Colorado, Alberta (Canada), and, currently, Massachusetts. He and his wife live in Clinton, Massachusetts.

New England Pastor is printed by L. Brown and Sons Printing, Inc., located in Barre, Vermont.


Patty said...

W. Hopkins, or Miss Brace, as I knew her was my all time favorite teacher. She inspired me to write and every single time I get something published I think of her and her love of the written word. I can still see her teaching English at GBA. Please, tell her what a profound impact she has had on my life, or perhaps have her email me at, I would love to hear from her.

Patty said...

oops forgot to share who I am,
Patty Higbee Lockwood, class of 1973